Technical Data for Unmixed Parts
Property @ 25°C (77°F) |
Resin – Part A
Hardener – Part B
Test Method |
Solids |
100 % |
100 % |
Color |
Grey |
Clear |
Density, Lb/Gal (Kg/L) |
9.70 (1.16) |
< 8.2 (0.98) |
ASTM D-1475 |
Mixing Ratio A: B |
1: 1 By Volume
Shelf Life |
2 years |
2 years |
Technical Data for Mixed Parts
Property (Mixed A & B) |
Value @ 25°C (77°C) |
Test Method |
Mixed Density, Lb/Gal (Kg/L) |
11.2 (1.34) |
ASTM D-1475 |
Mixed Color |
Light Grey |
Gel Time @ 60 grams, minute |
40, 11, 7 |
ASTM D-2471 |
Pot Life @ 1 Gal (3.785 Liter), minute |
20 |
Shore Hardness @ 3 Days, D |
76 |
ASTM D-2240 |
Tensile Strength @ 7 Days, Psi (MPa) |
6000 (40.8) |
D-638 |
Flexural Strength @ 7 Days, Psi (MPa) |
4500 (30.6) |
D-790 |
Compressive Strength @ 7 Days, Psi (MPa) |
6000 (40.8) |
ASTM D-695 |
Bond Strength to @ 7, Psi (MPa) |
2350 (16) Concrete Failure |
ASTM C-882 |
Elongation, % |
20 |
D-570 |
Final Cure, day |
7 |
Blend equal parts of A and B, then apply to a clean, dry, surface. It can be used as a mortar binder by adding 1-part sand when spall repair is needed on vertical or overhead areas.
Cleaning: remove uncured CHEM-PRISON 20 from tools and equipment with suitable solvents such as Xylene, Toluene or CHEM-CRETE BLENDED SOLVENT immediately after use. Cured material may only be removed mechanically.
The product can be stored for minimum of twelve months at temperature from 41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C) in the unopened original packaging. Protect from direct sunlight.
After hardening thoroughly, CHEM-PRISON 20 is physiologically harmless. Keep the resin and hardener away from the eyes mouth and skin. Do not breathe in the vapors. The uncured mixture can cause irritation of the skin. For best protection, wear rubber or plastic gloves. In case of contamination, wipe away resin or hardener immediately from the skin using paper towels and then wash with soap and water or hand cleaning detergent. Empty resin and hardener cans must be destroyed. Under no circumstances use them to store food or drink even if they have been thoroughly cleaned.
LIMITED WARRANTY: International Chem-Crete Inc. warrants that, at the time and place we make shipment, our materials will be of good quality and will conform to our published specifications in force on the date of acceptance of the order.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is included for illustrative purposes only and, to the best of our knowledge, is accurate and reliable. International Chem-Crete Inc. is not under any circumstances liable to connection with the use of information. As International Chem-Crete Inc. has no control over the use to which others may put its products, it is recommended that the products be tested to determine the suitability for specific applications and/or our information is valid in particular circumstances. Responsibility remains with the architect or engineer, contractor and owner of the design, application and proper installation of each product. Specifier and user shall determine the suitability of the product for specific application and assume all responsibility in connection therewith. AM29419.