Hydro Active Soil Stabilization Polyurethane Grout

Chem-Crete Terra Foam CCC528 is a two component, low viscosity 100% solids and hydro active polyurethane grout, used for soil stabilization and increasing the bearing capacity of sandy soils. Chem-Crete Terra Foam CCC528 is hydro active, reacts quickly in contact with water to expand into a tough closed cell polyurethane foam.


Technical Data Sheet

Quick Reference Chart Polyurethane Grouts


Chem-Crete Terra Foam CCC528 is extensively used for Soil Stabilization and increasing the bearing of sandy soils. It can be used around tunnel headings to improve the bearing and tunneling characteristics of the soil structure. Chem-Crete Terra Foam CCC528 is used in application such as:


  • Airports and Airfields
  • Sands dune, pipe lines, etc.
  • Highways and roadways, to prevent soil erosion on the bounds.
  • Tunnels, bridge sides, etc.
  • Power plants, sub-stations, etc.